Author: dave fauth

Geospatial Graph Data Model

What Is a Knowledge Graph? Here is the definition from the Neo4j white paper “A knowledge graph is an interconnected dataset enriched with semantics so we can reason about the underlying data and use it confidently for complex decision-making”. Connecting data adds context and improves outcomes. Connecting data makes that data inherently more valuable and […]

Neo4j – H3 Library – Update

After about four years (where did that time go?), I have circled back to Neo4j and H3 geospatial data processing. Since version 3.4, Neo4j has a native geospatial datatype. Neo4j uses the WGS-84 and WGS-84 3D coordinate reference system. Within Neo4j, we can index these point properties and query using our distance function or you query within a bounding […]

Neo4j – Kafka – JAAS

A couple of weeks ago, I was asked how to configure Neo4j to use JAAS with Kafka using SASL_Plaintext. While the Neo4j documentation does talk about SSL configuration, it doesn’t specifically discuss JAAS. On the Kafka side, I used a Bitnami AMI (Kafka – AMI ID bitnami-kafka-2.3.0-0-linux-debian-9-x86_64-hvm-ebs-nami (ami-0ca61ab6a3b990db7)) running on AWS. There were some configuration […]

Kafka – Neo4j – SSL Config

This blogpost provides guidance to configure SSL security between Kafka and Neo4j. This will provide data encryption between Kafka and Neo4j. This does not address ACL confguration inside of KAFKA. Self Signed Certificates This section came from sure that you have truststore and keystore JKSs for each server.+ In case you want a self signed […]