Geospatial Pre-filtering for POI Recommendations – Examples

In this series (post 1 and post 2), we talked about using Neo4j plus a Vector Index plus H3 indexing to attempt to do some geospatial pre-filtering on the Foursquare Open Source Places (FSQ OS Places) dataset. In this post, we will create some queries that leverage the vector index within Neo4j combined with H3 indexing for geo-filtering to find nearby points-of-interest (POIs). This example does not leverage an LLM or AI but it could easily be added.

Data Model Review

To review, we have the POIs modeled where they are in a hierarchy of categories. Each category name has an embedded vector of 768 dimensions. Each POI also has a 768 dimension vector that was created from its

We then have our Geospatial Knowledge Graph (GKG) that contains our reference geospatial data. We have also created 768 dimension vectors for the geospatial names of City, State, County, Borough and TaxiZone nodes.

By having both databases, we are able to search by both a Category name and a Geospatial name. We can leverage the vector index to find the category name(s) and also leverage the vector index to find a set of geospatial places. Since we have H3 index values for both the POI and the geospatial name, we can then find the overlap and return our POIs.


Our workflow is shown below:

The steps that we are following are:

  1. Enter a desired geolocation (i.e. a City name) and create a vector for that name.
  2. Enter a desired category (i.e. Grocery Store) and create a vector for the category name.
  3. Search the GKG for the places that match the vector. For the 50 places, return their associated H3 values.
  4. Search the POI graph for the top 150 categories that match the category vector.
  5. Identify the POIs that are contained within the categories and where their H3 value is within the GKG set of H3 values.

In our code, we are using the SentenceTransformer to create the vectors for the city name and the category name. Let’s look at this block of code from our workbook.

model = SentenceTransformer('sentence-transformers/all-mpnet-base-v1')
cityName = input("Search City ")
categoryName = input("Category Name ")
cityEmbeddings = model.encode(cityArray)
categoryEmbeddings = model.encode(categoryArray)
cityEmbedding = cityEmbeddings[0]
categoryEmbedding = categoryEmbeddings[0]

POIs = gdscdb.run_cypher("""
CALL () {USE geovectordemo.geokb CALL db.index.vector.queryNodes('geoNameVectorIndex', $CITYRESULTS, $CITYEMBEDDING) YIELD node as n,score  with n match (n)-[:IN_HEXADDRESS_8]->(h:HexAddress8) return collect(h.hexAddress8) as ha8 } with ha8 CALL (ha8) { USE geovectordemo.poi CALL db.index.vector.queryNodes('categoryVectorIndex', $POIRESULTS, $CATEGORYEMBEDDING) YIELD node with node as category match (category)<-[:IS_IN_CATEGORY]-(p:POI) where p.hexAddress8 in ha8 return as name, as country, coalesce(p.locality,'n/a')  as locality, p.latitude as Latitude, p.longitude as Longitude limit 75} RETURN name,country, locality, Latitude, Longitude

Here are sample results from entering Richmond as the city and Grocery Store as the category.

This runs in sub-second as we can identify the POIs connected to a category and then join / filter based on the H3 address.

If we build a vector based on two categories, we can still identify results in under a second.

POIs = gdscdb.run_cypher("""
CALL () {USE geovectordemo.geokb CALL db.index.vector.queryNodes('geoNameVectorIndex', $CITYRESULTS, $CITYEMBEDDING) YIELD node as n,score  with n match (n)-[:IN_HEXADDRESS_8]->(h:HexAddress8) return collect(h.hexAddress8) as ha8 } with ha8 CALL (ha8) { USE geovectordemo.poi CALL { CALL db.index.vector.queryNodes('categoryVectorIndex', $POIRESULTS, $CATEGORYEMBEDDING) YIELD node RETURN node UNION CALL db.index.vector.queryNodes('categoryVectorIndex', $POIRESULTS, $CATEGORYEMBEDDINGTWO) YIELD node RETURN node } with node as category match (category)<-[:IS_IN_CATEGORY]-(p:POI) where p.hexAddress8 in ha8 return p.fsq_place_id as placeID, as name, as country, coalesce(p.locality,'n/a')  as locality, p.latitude as Latitude, p.longitude as Longitude limit 75} RETURN placeID, name,country, locality, Latitude, Longitude


Filtering vector search results is a complex problem that is being addressed in different ways by different vector search providers. (Example 1 or Example 2). Vector index searches can be slow if we have to compare every entry with the source vector. In the approach that we have discussed, we are using the Location and the Category as our pre-filters to limit the search scope and return results in a relatively reasonable timeframe.
What happens if we just search on the POI name? Are there any approaches that we can take to optimize that search? We will investigate that in the last blog post of this series.

Geospatial Pre-filtering for POI Recommendations – Data Model

In the previous blog post, we talked about using Neo4j plus a Vector Index plus H3 indexing to attempt to do some geospatial pre-filtering on the Foursquare Open Source Places (FSQ OS Places) dataset. In this post, we will discuss our data modeling strategy and how the FSQ OS Places data can be modeled as a graph. We will also show how we can model other geographies in a graph leveraging the H3 indexing approach. This will be the framework that will allow us to start querying and pre-filtering the data.

The FSQ OS Places data schema is well documented. The category dataset is a hierarchy of categories that indicate a multi-level relationship for a Place. Each place is connected to the lowest level category and then each category in turn is linked to its parent. Visually, it looks like this:

We only show a subset of the properties for both the Place of Interest (POI) node and for the Category Node.

Geospatial Knowledge Graph

Our next data model is for what I will call a Geospatial Knowledge Graph (GKG). The GKG will consist of geographical objects / features that don’t change over time. Examples would be cities with their boundaries, counties and neighborhoods. We could add in buildings, roads or other objects that have a geospatial component that we would want to search against.

For our purposes, we will primarily focus on the City but you can see that we can store H3 values at different resolutions for different geospatial nodes. We may want to have a neighborhood at a smaller resolution than a city.
In Neo4j, we will index the Hex Address property on both the POI node and on the Hex Address nodes. For a city, we can collect the set of Hex Addresses that are for that city and then do an indexed lookup to find all POIs within that city.

In order to leverage the H3 capabilities within Neo4j, we have to use an H3 plugin. This plugin provides multiple functions and procedures for working with polygons and H3 hex addresses. In our next blog post, we will show how we can combine the H3 plugin with Neo4j cypher to do the pre-filtering.

Geospatial Pre-filtering for POI Recommendations


Place / Point of Interest (POI) recommendations provide locations that are of interest to a person searching for an interesting place to see within a geographic area. Recent papers have been published to identify different approaches to address this problem. One paper looks at Graph Neural Networks. A second paper looks at using Large Language Models (LLMs) and Gen-AI to parse a query and pre-filter on a geographic region before searching across the list of POIs.

This blog post series is not focused on LLMs or GenAI. Rather we will look at leveraging vector indexes to do some pre-filtering on a region and location category to quickly retrieve results. The POI data and geospatial data will be stored in a graph database as a Knowledge Graph with embeddings created for the POI name, category name and the geographic location name. This blog series will walk through the approach and discuss pros and cons of the approach.

Neo4j writes “Graph databases like Neo4j are built on the concept of a graph: a collection of nodes and relationships. Nodes represent individual data points, while relationships define the connections between them. Each node can possess properties, which are key-value pairs providing additional context or attributes about the node. This approach offers a flexible and intuitive way to model complex relationships and dependencies within data.” We will model our data as two Knowledge Graphs. We will search across the graphs leveraging the geospatial reference data to search the POI data.

Vector Indexing

Neo4j supports using vector indexes to perform fast approximate k-nearest neighbor (KNN) searches using either cosine or euclidean similarity. Neo4j’s vector indexing capability uses an algorithm called Hierarchical Navigable Small World (HNSW) to identify similar vectors efficiently. The more similar the vectors, the higher the relevance. In our example, embeddings will be created on node properties, vector indexes created and then the vector indexes queried to identify results.

Places Of Interest Data

For this investigation, we chose to use the Foursquare Open Source Places (FSQ OS Places) dataset. This dataset was recently open-sourced under the Apache 2.0 license framework. FSQ OS Places is 100mm+ global places of interest (“POI”) that includes 22 core attributes (see schema here) that will be updated monthly. The background on open sourcing FSQ OS Places is here. Release notes for the December 2024 release are available as well. Our research will be using the November 2024 data set.


For this investigation, we are using a relatively simple architecture as shown below.

The next post will focus on the data, data modeling and data sources that we used for this work.

Neo4j – GeoParquet

Over the 2023 holidays, I wanted to learn more about GeoParquet and learn more about geospatial data in general. I decided to create a simple Neo4j plugin that reads in a Geoparquet file (or any parquet file for that matter) and return the results to the user. This is similar to the capability in the APOC-Extended library although my plugin adds the GeoParquet capability. The idea is to take that data and pass it to the Neo4j H3 plugin for additional processing.

The initial code base is here. Let’s look at some examples on how this works. First we will use a GeoParquet file of the US Counties.

Our code block looks like this:

call com.neo4jparquet.readParquetWKT("/var/lib/neo4j/import/county.parquet") yield value 
return value limit 2;

and the result looks like this:

In this case we use the com.neo4jparquet.readParquetWKT to get the geometry in a WKT format. You can see the key value pairs that are returned.

If we choose to return the Polygon as a list, we can pass it into an H3 procedure to return the number of H3 rings at resolution 10.

call com.neo4jparquet.readParquet("/var/lib/neo4j/import/county.parquet") yield value 
with value where value.STATE_NAME = 'South Dakota'
    AND value.NAMELSAD = 'Charles Mix County'
call com.neo4jh3.polygonToCells(value.Geometry,[],10,'lonlat') yield value as h3
return count(h3)

and the results look like this:

Neo4j – H3 – Intersecting Polygons

Geospatial use cases with Neo4j are interesting. A colleague recently asked if there was a way to identify which pieces of property a power line might intersect. Thinking back to previous work on H3 and Neo4j, I knew we could model the power line as a set of hex addresses and model the property geometry as a set of hex addresses.

First we needed to find some data. Fortunately, there is a dataset of US Electric Power Transmission Lines from ESRI. I also was able to use a dataset of US County data that I had previously accessed.

The Power Transmission Line data was in JSON format but the GeoJson information was in a MultiLineString. A couple of months ago, I thought I had the conversion from MultiLineString to H3 done in my Neo4j H3 plugin, but alas, I had messed it up royally. However, a great StackOverflow post with insight from Nick Rabinowitz got me headed in the right direction.

Basically, I took each pair of lat/lon and found their midpoint. Then I found the list of H3 addresses at resolution 12 along that line using the H3 GridPathCells feature. Each resulting H3 address was linked to the Power Transmission Line. Our Neo4j model. looks like this:

We have 93,000 Powerline nodes and 50.7M HexAddress12 nodes.

Our State -> County -> Hex Address 10 Knowledge Graph looks like this:

So now that we have the data in Neo4j, let’s ask some questions:

In order to answer that question, we run the following query:

    USE geodemo.powerlines
    match (p:Powerline)-[:CONTAINS_HEXADDRESS12]->(h12) 
    where p.gid = '{D9CEA096-794A-498B-BDED-BD54CE9EAF24}'
    WITH distinct (com.neo4jh3.toparent(h12.hexAddress12,10)) as h10
    return collect(h10) as cha10
    USE geodemo.geokb
    with cha10
    MATCH (h10:HexAddress10)<-[:CONTAINS_HEXADDRESS10]-(c:County)
    where h10.hexAddress10 IN cha10
    return c
return c;

Our query returns the 3 counties that the Power line crosses.

Let’s ask one more question. This time let’s look at NYC and see if we can figure out which neighborhoods are impacted by a Power line.

Again, let’s write a Cypher query to figure this out.

    USE geodemo.powerlines
    match (p:Powerline)-[:CONTAINS_HEXADDRESS12]->(h12) 
    where p.gid = '{4492FD07-9B29-4ED7-95CC-31DE4262B9C1}'
    WITH distinct (com.neo4jh3.toparent(h12.hexAddress12,10)) as h10
    return collect(h10) as cha10
    USE geodemo.geokb
    with cha10
    MATCH (h10:HexAddress10)<-[:CONTAINS_HEXADDRESS10]-(n:Neighborhood)
    where h10.hexAddress10 IN cha10
    return distinct n
return n;

In 31ms, we get the 12 neighborhoods that the Power Transmission Line crosses.

These are just a couple of ways that we can use Neo4j, H3 and geospatial queries to answer questions.

Neo4j 5 Error Messages

Recently we noticed some customers having these types of warning messages in their debug.log file:

WARN  [o.n.i.p.PageCache] Reflection access to java.nio.DirectByteBuffer is not available, using fallback mode. This could have negative impact on performance and memory usage. Consider adding --add-opens=java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED to VM options.

WARN  [o.n.k.i.t.l.f.LogFileChannelNativeAccessor] [neo4j/93245d0a] Unable to evict transaction log from cache with version: xxxx. Error: ErrorCode=-1, errorMessage='Incorrect file descriptor.'

WARN  [o.n.k.i.t.l.f.LogFileChannelNativeAccessor] [neo4j/93245d0a] Error on attempt to preallocate log file version: xxx. Error: ErrorCode=-1, errorMessage='Incorrect file descriptor.'

These warnings occur if these additional jvm settings are missing from the neo4j.conf.


This would impair the ability of the JVM to manage memory when it became contentious and as a result you see errors begin to appear in the logs and potentially a degradation in overall performance as the JVM begins to operate sub-optimally.

If you are using a Docker deployment, check to make sure you are properly including the additional JVM settings. For a docker deployment:
“Variables that can take multiple options, such as NEO4J_server_jvm_additional, must be defined just once, and include a concatenation of the multiple values.”

If you are deploying in other ways, check the neo4j.conf to make sure those lines are in the configuration.

Geospatial Graph – Simple Queries

In this blog post, we are going to run through some simple queries to show how to query and traverse the graph. We are going to focus on the geospatial database for now. The next blog post will discuss using the Neo4j 5 Composite Database for the distributed queries.

Data Model

As a quick refresher on the data model, we have it below. We have some geospatial objects (Borough, Neighborhood, TaxiZone, Building, County and Point of Interest). Each object is connected to a HexAddress or a set of HexAddresses.

Geospatial Data Model

For our queries, we will run a few sample queries using Cypher as well as using the H3 plugin. Those queries will be:

  • Given a latitude and longitude, find the Neighborhood and Borough
  • Given a TaxiZone, how many buildings are in that TaxiZone
  • What buildings are nearest a Point of Interest

Let’s get started.

// Neighborhood and Borough for a latitude / longitude)
with com.neo4jh3.latlongash3(40.715992, -73.960076,10) as hex10
match (b:Borough)-[:BOROUGH_CONTAINS_NEIGHBORHOOD]->(n:Neighborhood)-[:CONTAINS_HEXADDRESS10]->(h10:HexAddress10)
where h10.hexAddress10 = hex10
return n.neighborhood, b.borough

In this query, we use the com.neo4jh3.latlongash3 function to convert our location to a hex10 address. We then find the Neighborhood that contains that address and traverse from the Neighborhood to the Borough. The result is;

Query results.

For the next query, we will pick a TaxiZone and traverse the graph to count the number of buildings within the TaxiZone area.

// Buildings within a TaxiZone
match (tz:TaxiZone {name:'TriBeCa/Civic Center'})-[:CONTAINS_HEXADDRESS10]->(h10)-[:HAS_HEXADDRESS12]->(h12)-[:HAS_HEXADDRESS13]->(h13)<-[:AT_HEXADDRESS13]-(b:Building)
return count(distinct b);
Query Results

We can also use the com.neo4jh3.tochildren(h10.hexAddress10,13) procedure to calculate all of the children H3 addresses at resolution 13 and then query the buildings that would be in that collection of addresses. The query looks like this:

match (tz:TaxiZone {name:'TriBeCa/Civic Center'})-[:CONTAINS_HEXADDRESS10]->(h10)
call com.neo4jh3.tochildren(h10.hexAddress10,13) yield value as h13
with collect(distinct h13) as allh13
match (b:Building)-[:AT_HEXADDRESS13]->(hex13:HexAddress13) where hex13.hexAddress13 IN allh13
return count(distinct b);

This runs a little bit slower than the previous example but still gives the same results.

Query Results

Finally, let’s see what buildings might be near a Point of Interest. We use the com.neo4jh3.toparent function to get the Point of Interest Hex address at resolution 13. Then we use the com.neo4jh3.gridDisk procedure to expand our search radius. Finally, we use the Neo4j point.distance calculation to return the distance in kilometers between the point of interest and the buildings.

match (p:PointOfInterest {name:'Little Chef Little Café'})-[:AT_HEXADDRESS14]->(ha:HexAddress14)
with p,ha 
with p, com.neo4jh3.toparent(ha.hexAddress14,13) as h13
call com.neo4jh3.gridDisk(h13,10) yield value as h13rings
with p, collect(h13rings) as h13set
match (b:Building)-[:AT_HEXADDRESS13]->(bh13:HexAddress13)
where bh13.hexAddress13 in h13set
return, b.bin, point.distance(point({latitude:p.latitude, longitude:p.longitude}),point({latitude:b.latitude, longitude:b.longitude}))/1000 as distance
order by distance asc;
Query Results

We have walked through using our Geospatial Graph to identify objects within another polygon (i.e. Borough) or near one another without doing complex geospatial joins.
You may be thinking where are the trips or the NYC311 calls or even the NPI providers. Rather than add all of that data into this graph, we are going to have separate graphs for each data set and use the composite database feature to query them. Stay tuned for that upcoming post.

Geospatial Graph Data Model

What Is a Knowledge Graph?

Here is the definition from the Neo4j white paper “A knowledge graph is an interconnected dataset enriched with semantics so we can reason about the underlying data and use it confidently for complex decision-making”.

Connecting data adds context and improves outcomes. Connecting data makes that data inherently more valuable and provides dynamic context. Knowledge graphs provide deep, dynamic context. They enable people to find all related information in one place, with all of the relationships across that data.

We are going to create a database of publicly available geospatial data and create a graph that we can use as a reference point. The geospatial reference data consists of Taxi Zones, Counties, Neighborhoods and Buildings. These items rarely update or move so we are going to create our knowledge graph from that data. We will then add in other data sets (NPI data, NYC 311 calls and NYC Taxi pickups) into other databases. Using the H3 hex addresses, we can easily join across the data sets where the geospatial knowledge graph is our source of reference locations.

H3 Addressing and Resolutions

H3 is a geospatial indexing system that partitions the world into hexagonal cells. With H3, we can assign or relate a geographic location to a series of H3 addresses. Once we have the H3 address, we can locate other things (building, road, store) within or near the H3 address or we can identify events that happened nearby. H3 allows us to easily deal with large volumes of data.

H3 is a hierarchical grid system. As such, it has

  • NYC311 Calls – Resolution 14
  • Trip – Resolution 14
  • Location (Provider) – Resolution 14
  • Point of Interest – Resolution 14
  • Building – Resolution 13
  • Taxi Zone – Resolution 10
  • Borough – Resolution 10
  • County – Resolution 10
  • Neighborhood – Resolution 10
  • Hierarchical Layout

    With the hierarchical layout, we can link the different hex address based on their parent cell. Once we do that, we could easily go from a Neighborhood node to a POI node or go from a POI node up to the Borough. This looks like the following:

    Should we create a node for every hex address?

    A question that we should answer is “do I need to create a node for every possible hex address?”. If we did create a node and the necessary relationships for every possible hex address, we would have millions to billions of nodes and relationships. Most of those would not be used and would take up space in the database.

    Instead, we are going to find the Resolution 14 nodes in our geospatial graph and connect them to their Resolution 13 parent. For each of the Resolution 13 nodes, we connect them to their Resolution 12 parent. We sill go from Resolution 12 to Resolution 10 and from Resolution 10 to Resolution 8.
    We can use the H3 toParent function and the H3 toChildren function to get the parent node at a desired resolution or all children nodes at a desired resolution. For example, we can find a Neighborhood, collect all resolution 10 addresses, find their children at resolution 14 and use that set of values to find all of the NYC 311 calls in that neighborhood.

    Our Neo4j Model

    Our Neo4j Geospatial Graph data model looks like the following:

    Neo4j Geospatial Graph Model

    We’ve discussed why we would want to build a geospatial graph database and how we would go about it with the H3 Hexagonal hierarchical geospatial indexing system. We talked about approaches dealing with the H3 resolutions as well.

    Now that we have our logical model, the next post will be a short overview of loading the data.

    Neo4j – H3 Datasets

    H3 allows us to help make sense of large amounts of data. For this blog series, we will use the NYC Taxi Data set and add in the NYC Taxi Zones, New York Counties, NYC Boroughs and NYC Buildings. I also added in Open Street Map POI data using the Python notebook from my colleague Will Lyon. All of this data is publicly available.

    Data Description

    The NYC Taxi Data set covers four years of taxi operations in New York City and includes 697,622,444 trips. Each trip record contains a pickup location, pickup date and time, dropoff location and dropoff date and time. There are some other fields in the dataset but these are the fields of interest. In the last couple of years, the NYC Taxi Data set has changed so the pickup and dropoff locations are Taxi Zones and not actual latitude/longitude locations. We are using a dataset that still had the latitude/longitude values for the dropoff and pickup points.

    The Taxi Zones, Counties and Boroughs contain the GeoJson representation for each polygon / Multipolygon.

    H3 Hierarchy

    H3 is a hierarchical geospatial index. As such, it contains a resolution hierarchy from 0-15 with 0 being the largest resolution and coverage area and 15 being the smallest resolution.

    We will need to think through how to translate the Trip data and the polygons to an appropriate resolution to make sure we accurately locate the trip details as well as for the polygons. Some of this will be trial and error and some will be looking at what others have done to see what makes sense.

    Databricks chose a resolution of 15 for the trip data. For our testing, we will use a resolution of 14. For the Taxi Zones, Counties and Boroughs, we are going to start with a resolution of 10. This should give a good balance between the accuracy of the hexes within the polygon and the number of hexes per geometry.

    Modeling the Hierarchy

    For our initial approach, we are going to model the H3 hierarchy by going from Resolution 14 -> Resolution 12 -> Resolution 10. We are going to skip Resolution 13 and Resolution 11 for now. It may change after we run some experiments but for now we think this will work fine for the queries that we are running.

    Initial Neo4j Data Model

    My first go at the data model looks like the following:

    NYC Taxi Data Model

    In the model, I calculated the HexAddress at resolution 10 for the Neighborhood, County (NY State only) and the TaxiZones. For each HexAddress at resolution 10, we found the corresponding HexAddress12 values. For each HexAddress12, we found the corresponding HexAddress14 values. Points of Interest latitude/longitude were converted to a HexAddress14 value and linked to the appropriate HexAddress14 node.

    Trips, NYC311 are by themselves for now. The trips have a HexAddress14 property for the dropoff and the pickoff latitude/longitudes. We will index those properties and just look up the values to identify the trips within a neighborhood, taxi zone or county.

    If you have sparse points of interest or some sparse data, an approach to minimize the number of HexAddress nodes would be to index the nodes at the smallest resolution (i.e. 14). For each of those resolutions, find their parent at resolution 12 and create a node/relationship. Find the parent at resolution 10 for each resolution 12 node. This way there are only the hex addresses that would actually be connected to data.

    For example, in my home state of South Dakota, there may not be a lot of Points of Interest. I would not want to create hex addresses for counties where there are no Points of Interest associated with them.

    Thanks for reading this far. Next time we will talk a little more in depth about building the geospatial knowledge graph.

    Neo4j – H3 Library – Update

    After about four years (where did that time go?), I have circled back to Neo4j and H3 geospatial data processing.

    Since version 3.4, Neo4j has a native geospatial datatype. Neo4j uses the WGS-84 and WGS-84 3D coordinate reference system. Within Neo4j, we can index these point properties and query using our distance function or you query within a bounding box.

    In the next few posts, we’ll discuss the new plugin and walk through some examples of how to use the plugin within Neo4j for geospatial usecases.

    What is H3

    From the website, “H3 is a geospatial indexing system that partitions the world into hexagonal cells. H3 is open source under the Apache 2 license.

    The H3 Core Library implements the H3 grid system. It includes functions for converting from latitude and longitude coordinates to the containing H3 cell, finding the center of H3 cells, finding the boundary geometry of H3 cells, finding neighbors of H3 cells, and more.”

    Why H3

    H3 leverages the power of hexagons to create a global grid system with 16 resolutions, from 0 (the size of a small continent) to 15 (less than a square meter). While the H3 library itself doesn’t perform geospatial analysis, it provides the core building blocks for a range of analytical functions. One of the most common uses is to bin data such as places or events that occur with a specific location. Once the data is binned, we can then compare the count or sum of occurrences in that hex location with data in other bins at the same resolution.

    The H3 library helps us make sense of large sets of data. It allows the user to efficiently work with the data through optimized functions such as indexing points to cells, traversing through the hexes and by effectively moving through a hierarchy of hex cells. These functions fit well with Neo4j due to the relationships among the cells.

    H3 cell IDs are also perfect for joining disparate datasets. That is, you can perform a spatial join easily without complex geospatial functions. It is straightforward to join datasets by cell ID and start answering location-driven questions. In this blog series, we are going to join Points of Interest data with NYC Neighborhood definitions with NYC Taxi Pickup Zones and with the NYC Taxi dataset.

    Databricks and H3

    You might be wondering why we are talking about Databricks in this blogpost. On September 14, 2022, Databricks announced built-in H3 expressions for “efficient geospatial processing and analytics”. They announced 28 built-in functions for working with geospatial data. I had recently seen that posting and decided to adopt the Databricks naming convention for the Neo4j plugin.

    The Library

    The Neo4jH3 library is available here. Besides the for installation instructions, the Documentation is a great resource for the different functions and procedures. I’ve tried my best to provide sufficient examples along with error codes for the functions and procedures.

    For this blog series, we will use the 5.3.0 release as it has the new function/procedure naming and works with Neo4j 5.

    If you have questions at any point in this blog series, leave me a comment and I’ll be glad to get back to you.