Taking a page from Pete Warden, I’ve decided to start off with some short links. In between, I’ll mix it up with some longer posts, but the intent of the short links is to highlight interesting pages/links/sites that I’ve found over the past few days.
Government Big Data Forum 2011 – Big data is not only in the commercial space but is a challenge in the Federal Government. In what should be an interesting forum held in Washington, DC, panels include does ETL still work, de-duplication of data and sensemaking of data.
Social Network Visualization – A great collection of papers related to social network visualization from UC Davis. Social networks are visual in nature. Visualization techniques have been applied in social analysis since the field began. We aim to develop interactive visual analytic tools for complex social networks.
RIM In Talks to acquire Gist – As a Gist user and not a Blackberry user, I’m closely watching this news.
Data Scientists – As more and more data is made available, people are needed to make sense of it. Companies such as bit.ly, LinkedIn and Foursquare are hiring. If I was going back to school, this is a career that I would target.