Things I learned while skiing

Last week, my son (@dsfauthii) and I went to Copper Mountain (@CopperMtn) for 3 days of skiing. As I was skiing, a few thoughts came to mind related to business and life in general.

1. Have fun. I’m not the best skiier but had a great time skiing most of the mountain. Colorado skiing is such a difference from East Coast skiing. The mountains were much higher, the trails longer and more challenging. Still, we had a great time all three days.

2. Take on new challenges. I had never skiied anything like Copper Mountain. The trails were more challenging and faster than I was used to. It took about half of the first day before I was ready to tackle the blue trails. After some success, I was more confident and knew I could tackle these courses. By the last day, I even took on a couple of black diamonds. Sure I fell a couple of times, but I was confident when I was done with those trails. The end result was worth the risk and challenges.

3. Focus. As I’m not the best skiier, I had to tell myself to focus all of the time. I needed to know who was behind me, who was gaining on me, what was ahead, who I was overtaking and where the trail was going. If I wasn’t focusing, it wasn’t long before I was struggling to stay up.

4. Enjoy the experience. This was a great trip for me and my son because we had a shared experience. I’d rather enjoy the experience with someone than by myself.

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